Traditionally and still today, multimedia is used in making people aware about things. From the old ways of the news papers, to the radio and television, and now with the use of the internet. Unlike the old days, however, information spreads much faster, thus we can raise awareness faster. All throughout these years, we still use multimedia. For a good reason, since using and pairing different medias (texts, images, videos, etc.) has proven itself effective. Just look at ads for example, it utilizes multimedia in such a way that you want to click it. Imagine the same but instead of ads we use it for spreading information like news. Then we can see people become more eager to learn that information which then increases the awareness of the people.
As for any particular type of multimedia, any type works for raising awareness. Though generally, especially nowadays, you may utilize video style to convey information. Videos provide more entertainment value, thus they would listen longer and is more focused compared to the other media. Although text, in combination with image, is also still a good way to convey information. Either way, it matters more how you created the multimedia and your output since getting people's attention is the ultimate key to spreading information.